Autodesk CFD Essentials Training
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and thermal simulation tools will help you to predict product performance, optimise designs, and validate product behaviour where a fluid or gas flow is playing a crucial role. Electronic cooling, pressure drops in equipment, or even simulating the natural ventilation inside a building are all examples where CFD simulation can help you to optimise the design.
This course is an introductory course focused on teaching the fundamentals of CFD using Autodesk CFD. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to set up, solve, and diagnose their own Fluid Dynamics Analyses in Autodesk CFD.
Learning Objectives:
• Visualize the fluid flow in and around your design.
• Optimize your design by reducing the turbulence.
• Gain a better understanding of the aerodynamic challenges in automotive and aerospace.
• Design high-density electronics which run cooler, and last longer.
• Calculate the forces acting on your product by fluid flow.
• Gain confidence in your thermal and fluid flow analyses.
• Spend less time troubleshooting meshing and convergence errors.
• Develop a test strategy, to spend less time and money in the lab.
12 hours (3 days)
Who should attend?
Designers and engineers who want to have a better understanding of their designs under real-world conditions.
Course Requirement:• Basic use of Microsoft® Windows®
• Preferably Flow and Thermal analysis knowledge.
• Preferably being familiar with Autodesk software user-interface.
• Preferably having experienced with basic 3D modelling.
• Preferably basic material knowledge.
1. Beginning
Introduction to CFD
Getting Started in Autodesk CFD
Autodesk CFD Workflow
When to use Autodesk CFD
2. Geometry
Geometry Requirements and Tools
Model Assessment Toolkit
Surface Wrapping
SimStudio Tools Overview
Using Devices to Simplify Geometry
3. Materials and Devices
Overview of Materials
Assigning Materials
Using Devices
4. Boundary Conditions
Boundary Conditions
Flow and Thermal Conditions
Assigning Boundary Conditions
5. Meshing
Meshing Overview
Automatic Mesh Sizing
Mesh Refinement
Manual Mesh Sizing
Shaded Mesh
6. Solver Settings
Solving a Simulation
Solving Multiple Designs
7. Results Visualization and Interpretation
Visualizing Your Results
Global Results
Planes Result Task
Traces Result Task
Iso Surface & Iso Volume Results Tasks
Wall Calculator Result Task
Parts Result Task
Points Result Task
Decision Center
8. Validation Checklist
Validating Your Simulation